1. Part
No, I am not roaming aimlessly, 2017, Solo Flute, 9‘
Nach Neuen Meeren, 2018, Version for Soprano Saxophone and Accordeon, 10’
Cyclical Rabbits, 2021, Solo Cello 7‘
a miniature of a Golem snoring, 2022, Sax, Acc, Vc, 5’
2. Part
NIKI NEECKE Strasbourg, Duisburg
each with
Years ago I had the idea of ​​a quartet composition for a tunnel with Marie-Cécile Reber, among others, but it hasn't come true yet. So the upcoming collaboration is a positive development in this direction. Charlotte Hug will play the first concert with LE DONNE IDEALI for 2025 and will therefore also go on tour. We will each play one half of the concert completely independently of each other. All four of us are idiosyncratic sound artists.
What connects us or contrasts us will be clearly experienced at our concerts.
MARIE-CÉCILE REBER plays in Basel and Rotterdam
Reber looks for her sounds in nature and transforms them into visual music. She has spent years studying microscopic natural sounds and then converted them into audible sounds and composed with them. These include ant sounds, insect sounds...
By examining natural sounds and analogue sounds, she has created her own sound and sound file that is very diverse and unique. This sound material has become her own instrument with which she is composing and giving concerts.
Her compositions are often performed in a natural environment (within a natural setting), so that the natural sound environment fits into her composition and vice versa.
CHARLOTTE HUG plays in Amsterdam
In Resonance with Elsewhere solo Performance for Stimme and Viola
Her innovative musical solo performances in distinctive locations have created an international furore. She sang and played for over ten years in the Rhône Glacier and made its disappearance audible, allowed herself to be flooded by the rising tides in the Dockyard in Coph on the Atlantic Ocean in Ireland for five hours, sang in the Sterkfontein Caves (caves of the strong springs) in South Africa and this year she entered into musical resonance with the Brazilian jungle for several weeks. Her musical research often leads her to powerful places in nature that are simultaneously threatened with disappearance. In this field of tension, voice and viola enter into a polyphonic relationship with each other. Using the soft-bow technique she developed, Hug plays up to 8 voices on her viola. As a vocalist, she sings over four octaves, from undertones to the highest falsetto. With vibrating glottal stops, multiphonics and speech-like articulations, she oscillates between the human voice and hybrid siren songs. At the concert, Hug musically explores the current space, communicating with it as well as with elsewhere. In the spirit of Hartmut Rosa's thought: "Resonance is not an emotional state, but a mode of relationship", a multiple resonance space opens up for and with the audience.
NIKI NEECKE plays in Strasbourg and Duisburg
For this concert series I play an arrangement of electronically generated sounds, Found Footage and Field Recordings. Clusters of sounds like star constellations. Textures condense and dissolve again, like clouds in the sky. Experience distant worlds without moving. A journey into one's own world of imagination. The listeners are invited to indulge in their associations awakened by the sounds.
Anmari Mëtsa Yabi Wili has been working on the topic of origin and peace in an interdisciplinary manner with RINGS & WINGS since 2022.
From the questions: where do you come from? what about your peace with this? she moved on to a directive home stretch PEACE LOVE JOY. Where we contribute peace, we can give love, we can be happy, which would be granted to everyone in this world if...
Since the war in Ukraine, she has been writing letters to Putin, researching the most used name in the world, sending these letters worldwide to the media and political elite, each signed with this most famous name MARIA. She imagines that even a Putin has at least one beloved Maria to consider in his family and immediate circle. The aim is to make it heard in an everyday way that there are other goals than conquering and destroying other countries, killing and tormenting people, that he should stop doing this immediately and instead invest in meaningful goals for all of humanity and the planet. Maria wants her father, her husband, her brother and her son back and to continue living life with those around her as she did before, as many others in this world can.
As expressive and explosive as Wili’s own music, art and programming were, she is currently creating benevolent sound worlds that inspire meditation and peace-giving inventions, continuing to do so in the contemporary experimental genre. She composes audio tracks and combines them live with the pioneer instruments of the electronic music Ondes Martenot and Wurlitzer electric piano, piano and voice.
The FMD, ForumMusicDiversity Switzerland, emerged from the Women'sMusicForum FMF, which was founded in 1982 as part of the second wave of the women's movement. The FMD, ForumMusicDiversity Switzerland, is a competence center for the topics of music, gender and diversity and aims to raise public awareness in these areas. Anmari Mëtsa Yabi Wili's founding of
LE DONNE IDEALI in 1998 coincided with her first activity on the board of the FMD, with the aim of promoting the many hidden, high-quality female composers and musicians through public performances.